Sunday, June 3, 2012

Pilot Post.

I made this thing about six months or so ago, with very honest intentions of writing here often. That has worked out rather well thus far. Although it's probably best that I didn't begin back then, or this thing would have been full of sleep deprived Mummy posts, which would not have been pretty at all.
So, here I am. I'm a month and a bit away from my daughters 1st birthday. I can scarcely believe it's been almost a year since this whole 'stay-at-home-Mama' thing began. It's also almost been a year since my poor vagina became a vaganus for a brief period of time, and just now it's starting to feel somewhat normal again.
And isn't that just a beautiful introduction to a blog. Don't you all feel like you know me just a little too much now? Lovely, isn't it?
In truth, I'm not the sort of person to give things a glossing over if that's not how I view them. If you were looking for a pretty, happy, positive little blog about how beautiful Motherhood is, you'd do best to look elsewhere. While I will post about things that are all of the above, I'll also post about the realities - the poo explosions, the tiredness so extreme you consider sticking your head in a blender, the lovely vomit all over that gorgeous outfit you planned to wear out, the times you look at your partner and seriously weigh up the consequences of homicide, the vaganus (come on, it's a fun word, try to use it in a sentence today!).
Please don't misunderstand. I adore my daughter. She is the light of my husband and I's life. But not everything is as rosy as some people make it out to be.
Who will want to read about all this. Um, yeah, probably no one. In part I'm making this to share my experiences, but it's also to make my head a clearer place.

So I guess in the pilot episode you get to know the characters, and where everyone fits in. And I guess the obvious person to start that with is;

Yup, just imagine me typing every blog entry with this look on my face. Hellooooooooooo internet.
I'm a 29 years old. Born in country NSW (that Australia for you international types), currently living in the grand city of Melbourne. Before I was a Mum, I was an animal attendant at a vet clinic, which I loved. I am a huge animal lover, and I'm rather passionate about animal welfare. Currently we share our home with three house rabbits, two cats and a Newfoundland dog.
I'm also very geeky, crazy about video games and general nerdiness. I met my husband on the MMORPG World of Warcraft.
I radiate sarcasm. My sarcasm could probably power a small European country. I love to laugh, even at myself. Actually, that should probably say often at myself.
I'm relaxed, it takes a lot to offend me generally speaking, although there are a few touchy subjects. I'm just learning now how to love myself and not constantly put myself down. I am my worst critic.
I also have a pretty awesome husband.


Sorry ladies, he's taken.
Rei and I met, as I mentioned above, on World of Warcraft. We were pretty good friends, and after about a year of playing together, I went to Sydney to visit him. About 8 months after that, he moved to Melbourne to be with me. Awesome choice I think, personally. All that was six years ago. We were married in September of 2010.

And by October, our little lady La was on the way.
Rei currently works managing a store while studying accounting. His original plan was to be an Psychiatrist, but he hated it and left university with only a semester to go.
He too is a massive geek. Probably more so than me. He's certainly smarter than me, he has a brain full of the most random knowledge. He loves his video games, and can generally be found playing an FPS of some description when he has spare time.
Our relationship is full of laughter. We actually find it hard to argue because one of us always ends up laughing, which makes the other laugh. Things aren't perfect, and I won't ever pretend they are, but we are crazy about each other, and we're best friends. Even when he does roll over in the middle of the night and snore in my ear.


The very reason for this blog. Our little LaLa (she got that nickname because when she was just born she'd make a little "La" sound right before she cried). It's amazing that such a small body already holds such huge personality. She has such a sense of humor, she's always laughing, she has a temper like her Mum and is as stubborn as her Dad. She's been the biggest, most wonderful test of our relationship, and a neverending source of pride and amazement. Miss Ellie Jade.

The noises from the monitor tell me that Ellie is awake, so I'll have to leave it here. Welcome to my blog. I really do hope that you enjoy reading what I have to say and if you don't, i hope you'll enjoy arguing with me about why I'm wrong.

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