Friday, September 7, 2012

Okay, seriously now...

I am going to start using this thing, damnit. The internet needs me! I always start these things with very good intentions, but now follow through. I must admit, I have been using my other blog some, but I think the world may prefer my more light hearted side that has less talk about ovaries, periods and general icky girl stuff.

So this post occurs a bit over a month after Ellie's 1st birthday (which we had a Mad Hatters Tea Party for, and let me tell you, it was awesome!). It's amazing watching her grow and learn. The latest favourite thing to do is to hug things and say "Awwww!". The "Awww!" is also exclaimed when patting the animals and brushing her hair.

The playroom is almost ready to go. It's been a work in progress for the last couple of months, and now all it needs is some paint (we're going with blue and sponging on some clouds, and then painting on a chalkboard up one wall), some cute light fittings and some toy boxes. And then we'll fill it with all her toys and it will look constantly like an atomic bomb testing area, rather than the beautiful room I had in mind. I'm sure that she'll love it though. And I'll have somewhere brand new to keep tidy.

If you follow my other blog, you'll also know that we are trying to conceive another baby, but as yet, no success. I'm telling myself that it will happen by the end of the year. Optimism is fun, although some days it leaves me wanting to beat my head against a wall. We did get a new bed this last week though, so now we have somewhere fun to make a baby. Hooray! Once the smell of memory foam off gas clears, I'm sure the bedroom will have a wonderful, romantic feel to it.

Also in the works is a veggie garden and some chooks for our backyard. Heaven knows we have the space for them, and there's something a bit special about picking your own vegetables and cooking with them. It will also be a great thing for Ellie to learn about. Plus, chickens are kinda cute, especially those fluffy ones.

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