Thursday, October 11, 2012

The start of our veggie garden and some lemony baked goodness

I'm very excited to say that my veggie garden is officially under way. It's been a long four years in the making, although most of that four years has admittedly been procrastination on my behalf. At one point last year I got excited and started to dig it, only to find half of my backyard has buried cement in it (which, according to my neighbours, was a swimming pool a few years before we moved in. Thanks for filling that in, previous owner, it's not like I would love a pool or anything!), so because of that, our only option has been raised garden beds. So on Tuesday afternoon we went and got our first garden bed. How excitement. Until we realised we'll need another modular bed to go on top of it to make it deep enough, but that's okay, because in the meantime we can leave some bunny litter on the top to rot down a little.
Hooray for our fur children for contributing!

Cairne and Ellie playing. Rei pretending to work.
My child, displaying her building skills! Ikea flat packs, here we come!
Now to leave this for a couple of weeks. I'm so impatient!
Strawberries! Can't wait for these. Neither can my Strawberry Monster, Ellie.
One has a pink flower. This is new and exciting to me!
Apparently Rei can't wait either.
Lending a hand by putting the tags in.

When we first moved in, my cousin and her friends got us a lemon tree as a housewarming gift. It has fruit all year round, and while pottering in the backyard, I decided it was time to harvest some. And by some I mean copious amounts. Guess who's making lots of lemon stuff!
Making lemon tea cake. Recipe here.
So the finished product doesn't look very attractive, but it was damn delicious!
On the lemon baking list this week we have the lemon cupcakes the Julie made in the first season of Masterchef and some lemon curd. Mmmm, delish! I'll be sure to share some recipes. And hey, if you need some lemons, I know someone who has a bunch, haha.


  1. How long have you had said lemon tree? My sister bought us one for our wedding, it is supposed to "grow with our love". Husband and I thought this was hilarious as there were only two options as far as we could figure. 1. we kill our love. 2. our love grows sour.
    Anyway, it is still pretty damn sad at only half my height and no sign of impending fruit :-/

    1. Um, I think it's been about five years now. Ours is some sort of fruit producing machine though. It's insane!
